Dr. Öğretim Üyesi, Meteoroloji Mühendisliği Bölümü
Eğitim: Ph. D., İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi (2022)
Araştırma Alanları: Sinoptik meteoroloji, havacılık meteorolojisi, atmosfer dinamiği , şiddetli hava olayları, hava-deniz etkileşimleri.
Eposta: [email protected]
Ofis: Özdemir Bayraktar Havacılık ve Uzay Bilimleri Fakültesi, D129
Tel: +90 (362) 313 0055 | 2121
Araştırma Profilleri:
Google Scholar, Scopus, ResearchGate, WebofScience
Seçilmiş Çalışmaları:
Yavuz, V., Lupo, A.R., Fox, N.I. & Deniz, A. (2022) “Statistical characteristics of the sea-effect snow events over the western Black Sea”, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 150, 955-968.
Yavuz, V., Lupo, A.R., Fox, N.I. & Deniz, A. (2022) “A long-term analysis of thundersnow events over the Marmara Region, Turkey”, Natural Hazards, 114, 367-387.
Yavuz, V., Lupo, A.R., Fox, N.I. & Deniz, A. (2022) “The role of short-wave troughs on the formation and development of sea-effect snowbands in the western Black Sea”, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 149, 501-510.
Yavuz, V., Deniz, A., Özdemir, E.T., Karan, H. & Temiz, C. (2022) “Long-term thunderstorm analysis at airports in the Marmara Region: types and favorable atmospheric conditions”, International Journal of Global Warming, 28(1), 81-95.
Yavuz, V., Lupo, A.R., Fox, N.I. & Deniz, A. (2022) “Meso-scale comparison of non-lake-effect and lake-effect snowfalls in Istanbul, Turkey”, MDPI-Atmosphere, 13, 657.
Yavuz, V., Özen, C., Çapraz, Ö., Özdemir, E.T., Deniz, A., Akbayır, İ. & Temur, H. (2022) “Analysing of atmospheric conditions and their effects on air quality in Istanbul using SODAR and CEILOMETER”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(11), 16213-16232.
Yavuz, V., Deniz, A., Özdemir, E.T., Kolay, O. & Karan, H. (2021) “Classification and analysis of sea-effect snowbands for Danube Sea Area in Black Sea”, International Journal of Climatology, 41(5), 3139-3152.
Yavuz, V., Deniz, A. & Özdemir, E.T. (2021) “Analysis of a vortex causing sea-effect snowfall in the western part of the Black Sea: a case study on 30-31 January 2012”, Natural Hazards, 108, 819-846.